5️⃣Platform Ecosystem

The REDHeal platform is a blockchain-based De-Fi service platform built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The REDHeal platform aims to offer various De-Fi services, including collateralized lending and staking. Users of the REDHeal platform can either become liquidity providers by contributing to liquidity through the deposit of coins/tokens or borrowers by securing loans against their owned coins/tokens.

The governance token of the REDHeal platform, REDH Token (REDH), is issued based on BSC's token standard BEP-20. REDH tokens serve as a method of reward for users utilizing the platform's services and can be used to pay fees when accessing De-Fi services within the platform.

The REDHeal project plans to create an expanded De-Fi ecosystem mediated by REDH tokens after going through stages of platform and service enhancement and stabilization. Furthermore, to improve user convenience and accessibility, a dedicated multi-signature wallet will be developed and provided initially. Sequentially, a mobile-specific DApp and NFT marketplace will be developed to expand services into a wider range of diverse areas.

1. Service

In the REDHeal platform's De-Fi services, users can deposit their coins/tokens into De-Fi protocols to earn interest income, or use the deposited coins as collateral to borrow other coins/tokens, as well as provide liquidity and earn interest income through Yield Farming.

(1) Staking & Swap

Among the De-Fi services offered on the REDHeal platform, staking is one of the ways to earn REDH tokens. Users can purchase REDH tokens directly through listed external exchanges, and they can obtain tokens in the form of interest income and fees by providing liquidity to the REDHeal platform. Although staking may not offer high yields, many investors prefer this investment method due to its ability to securely hold assets.

In De-Fi, staking refers to locking a certain amount of cryptocurrency as a stake. Regardless of price fluctuations of the coins/tokens they hold, users can earn a certain level of profit simply by depositing (holding a stake in) their coins/tokens for the duration of the staking period. In other words, instead of tying up the liquidity of their coin/token stakes (Lock-up), users participate in the operation and validation of the blockchain platform, receiving coins/tokens as rewards. De-Fi staking is a method of generating interest income within a decentralized financial system, and the reward rates vary depending on the coin/token.

※ Service operation example

① Alice deposits 1 BTC and 10 ETH into the liquidity pool.

② Bob wants to exchange 0.1 BTC for ETH.

③ The smart contract uses the reserves of the liquidity pool to calculate the price.

④ Bob receives ETH, and the liquidity pool ends up with slightly more BTC and slightly less ETH.

As a liquidity provider, Alice earns a small fee (interest income) from Bob's transaction.

Users can provide liquidity on the REDHeal platform by directly staking the mainnet coin (BNB) or tokens issued on networks compatible with BSC. This process helps create and maintain a stable liquidity pool for De-Fi services. Users who contribute by staking tokens are referred to as 'Liquidity Providers.' In exchange for their contributions, these providers earn interest income in the form of trading fees and token incentives (Yield Farming). Through the liquidity pool, users can access various De-Fi services, such as collateralized loans and token swaps.

(2) Lending & Borrowing

Users can borrow other coins/tokens by using the mainnet coin (BNB) or tokens issued on networks compatible with the mainnet as collateral on the REDHeal platform. The De-Fi lending service provided by REDHeal allows users to borrow the desired coins/tokens without going through traditional financial institutions. The lending transactions on the REDHeal platform are automatically executed through smart contracts, utilizing blockchain technology, which ensures transparency and security in the process.

Users of the REDHeal platform can use the platform's governance token, REDH, to pay for transaction fees, loan interest, and other costs associated with lending transactions, depending on the loan period and amount. The REDH tokens paid will create a circular structure with the interest income earned through staking, ensuring that the platform's ecosystem operates smoothly. This structure not only facilitates the effective use and activation of REDH tokens but also contributes to the increase in the token's value in the market.

(3) Yield Farming

The REDHeal platform intends to reward users with REDH tokens for staking. Within the De-Fi ecosystem of the REDHeal platform, anyone can become a liquidity provider, and users who provide liquidity will receive staking interest earnings as a reward. De-Fi yield farming in the REDHeal platform services is one way for coin/token holders to generate profits by utilizing their assets. Generally, the rewards from yield farming are paid out in the form of trading fees or interest from loan funds, and the payment method used is the platform's governance token, REDH.

The main mechanisms of yield farming are as follows:

• Liquidity Provision

Users provide assets to liquidity pools, playing a role in facilitating transactions on decentralized exchanges (DEX) or lending services. In return, they receive a portion of the trading fees or interest paid in REDH tokens.

• Staking

Users who want to deposit their coins/tokens into liquidity pools will lock up their tokens to support the functions and security of the BCS blockchain network or the REDH De-Fi platform. In return, they will receive REDH tokens as rewards.

(4) Multi-Signature Wallet

At the initial stage of the REDHeal platform's services, a service will be provided that links with external wallets that can be used on the mainnet BCS network. Later, the platform plans to develop its own dedicated personal wallet, the 'Multi-Signature Wallet,' to improve user convenience and lower the entry barriers to De-Fi services.

The dedicated wallet for the REDHeal platform is a browser extension that can manage and use the platform token REDH, the mainnet coin BNB, and BSC network-based tokens. This wallet is software installed on a computer or mobile device that stores users' private keys and allows for coin/token transactions.

Users can interact with smart contracts deployed on the BSC blockchain using this wallet. Through it, users can execute smart contracts, read or write data, and send transactions. When transferring coins/tokens stored in this wallet to another wallet address, users can input the target wallet's address and specify the amount of tokens they wish to send.

This wallet is designed to securely store, send, and manage REDH tokens, BNB, and BSC network-based tokens. It will also gradually expand its use cases to include De-Fi services of the REDHeal platform, such as staking and collateralized loans, as well as facilitate NFT transactions.

2. Reward System

Users of the REDHeal platform receive REDH tokens as rewards based on a certain percentage determined by the foundation for the interest income generated from using the De-Fi services provided by the platform. The REDH tokens obtained as rewards can be used to pay transaction fees and interest fees required when utilizing the De-Fi services offered by the platform. Additionally, they can be exchanged for other coins and utilized for virtual asset trading. By holding the tokens, users gain the right to participate in the DAO and can also earn additional interest income by depositing them into the liquidity pool formed on the platform.

3. DAO(Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

As Web 3.0 emerges, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) based on blockchain technology are gaining attention. A DAO is an organization that is not represented by any specific entity, meaning it operates in a decentralized manner and requires no specific commands or management, thus being autonomous. In other words, a DAO is structured such that there are no centralized management hierarchies, and all members can autonomously participate in collective decision-making through smart contracts, aiming to achieve common goals. Because a DAO executes rules defined by its creators autonomously through smart contracts, the members do not need to know who each other are, nor is there a central organization for decision-making, yet collective decision-making towards a common objective is still possible.

The REDH ecosystem operates through its primary decision-making body, REDHeal DAO, which proposes, revises, and determines key agendas within the ecosystem. To conduct fundraising, profit distribution, and voting among community members through the DAO, a governance token called REDH token is required. DAO members are granted voting rights proportional to the number of governance tokens they hold, allowing them to participate in the decision-making process of the DAO and vote on presented agendas. Additionally, members can directly propose the direction of fund usage and the operational direction of the DAO, and they can receive rewards in REDH tokens based on their contributions to DAO activities.

The rules established by the DAO created via smart contracts are accessible to anyone who is a member of the DAO (transparency), but cannot be easily changed or deleted by anyone. Instead, changes to DAO rules can only be made through voting by members who hold governance tokens. This ensures fairness technically. Moreover, everything is recorded on the blockchain, securing transparency in the decision-making process and operations. Therefore, DAOs play a crucial role in enhancing individual participation and establishing a technical foundation that allows all members to sustain the ecosystem without a central organization.

Although a DAO operates without representatives, decisions regarding what to do with the funds it raises are made through voting by its members. In this case, voting rights for significant decisions of the DAO are granted according to the proportion of governance tokens held by the members. All holders of governance tokens are given the authority to propose changes to the rules simply by holding the tokens. The more tokens one holds, the greater the voting power they possess, thereby enabling them to exert more influence over the DAO.

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